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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Little Helper

Emma loves being a helper when it comes to Mia (usually anyway). The other evening, I was trying to fix dinner and Mia was ridiculously upset even though she was fed and clean. Emma tried amusing her in the jumperoo by showing her how the toys moved and when she got too upset for that, Emma went to the living room and brought in the bouncer, all by herself! She told me, "I've been working out Mom. I'm strong."  Emma continued to try to get Mia to calm down and kept giving her her pacifier and saying, "It's ok Mia." and "Don't worry Mommy, I'll get Mia." It was super sweet!

Emma loves holding Mia, but Mia is starting to get pretty big for Emma. Sometimes, she'll tell me what Mia wants. "Mia wants to go back in her bouncer," "Mia wants you to hold her Mommy." Lately, she's come right out and said, "Mom, Mia is too heavy for me!"

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