Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, July 27, 2012

Growing up!

Last night, Emma wanted to go outside and blow bubbles. It was 100 degrees so needless to say neither Kurt nor I were very excited to go outside. She kept asking us but Kurt was busy feeding Mia a bottle and I was cleaning up the kitchen, so I told her that she could go out on the deck and play by herself. (She usually plays on the front stoop but isn't allowed out there alone.) She sort of whined a bit and went back to watching TV. About 5 minutes later, she came out to the kitchen bubbles and bubble gun in hand and said, "It's still ok if I go to play by myself?" Such a big girl! She played for a few minutes but had some issues with the bubble gun, i.e. it wasn't blowing bubbles. We didn't figure it out but she did play with a wand by herself for a bit. After I finished in the kitchen I went out for a bit to blow and catch bubbles with her.

This morning, Kurt left for work and I went to change Mia and get ready for the day. When I left the living room, Emma was watching the Fresh Beat Band. When I got out of the shower, I didn't hear it. Instead I heard, "Let's a-go!" When I came downstairs, Emma had backed all the way out of Netflix and started Mariocart. She somehow got into the online version and was racing against other people, not just the computer and we couldn't get out of that for a while, but she did it all by herself!

When we got to school this morning, Emma ran ahead of me (I move slowly with Mia's car seat!) and ran inside. Usually, she waits for me to get there to help sign her in on the computer. As I walked through the door, I saw the screen flash back to Welcome! and Emma looked at me with a HUGE smile and said I DID IT MOMMY! That is, she remembered the signin code for me and then used the mouse to check herself in and click "finish." Kurt said that he lets her sign in and I have been too, but for me this is the first day she's remembered the sign in code and didn't need help finding the correct keys!

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