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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mia at 7 weeks

Mia is 7 weeks old today! Crazy how time flies. The past week or week and a half, Mia seems to have developed in leaps and bounds.

In the past week, she has really started grabbing on to things. Mostly my shirt when she's nursing, her clothing when she's being changed, Kurt's shirt when she's laying on his chest, and my hair when it's down. She also appears to be attempting to grab her pacifier but hasn't succeeded yet.

She is talking more and more. Mostly when she's on the changing table. She will coo and give us some oohs and ahhs and even a goo if we're lucky. This morning she even 'talked' to Emma. :)

This past weekend, she really took notice of her mobile. In the past week or so she really paid attention to the ceiling fan in our bedroom during diaper changes. Prior to this, she might have glanced at it but it didn't hold her attention. Over the weekend, I put the mobile on in her crib and she was mesmerized the entire 20 minutes it stays on. I have turned it on for her before, but again it never held her attention. Now, she will watch it intently with her lips pursed like she's saying 'oohh' and kick and wave her arms. At one point, she watched it for 40 minutes while Emma and I watched her and talked to her.

She also LOVES to stand. If it were up to her, she would stand all day. Kurt keeps saying we need to get the jumperoo out, but she probably won't be able to see out of the seat! She likes to sit and look around as well. A while ago, I thought she would love the bumbo seat, but she's really more comfortable in our laps. She has started in the past day or two trying sit up on her own, i.e. lifting her head and shoulders up off the floor...and then crying when she can't get to sitting. She HATES tummy time. She tolerates it for about 3 minutes then screams her head off. One would think that she would like being able to see more things from that perspective...maybe in a few more weeks.

Some more pictures of Mia from today:

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