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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Talking and Understanding

Mia continues to talk and understand more and more. On Tuesday this week, she seemed to have a full conversation with both Gigi and Aunt Brenda! She talked to them for several minutes! Unfortunately, I did not get a video :( It was adorable! She is branching out from only talking while on the changing table.

Even when she was brand new, we had the sense that she knew the words eat and milk. She would be in the middle of a screaming fit and we would ask, "Mia are you hungry? Do you want to eat? Do you want milk?" and her cry would change to sort of a bark affirming that that was indeed what she wanted. A few weeks ago, if Kurt asked her a question about eating or wanting milk, she started to automatically turn in my direction.

Following Mia's last well check, we got her some Mylicon in hopes of helping her gassy tummy troubles. The first time she had it, we thought the different taste shocked her into quieting down, however, we've used it several times and each time, it has the same effect. Mia instantly calms and relaxes enough to fall asleep. Now, if we can get her attention during a crying session caused by gas, we ask if she wants medicine and sometimes receive either her 'yes' bark/cry or witness her looking for the bottle of gas drops.

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