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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Random notes about Mia's pregnancy

I fell off the blogging wagon for quite a while. Since last summer. We had a very busy but fun summer last year...we traveled the majority of the weekends. Originally, I had hoped to catch up on posts, I really can't promise that that will happen now. One thing I use as an excuse is pregnancy. I was extremely exhausted!

Before I forget, I wanted to write a bit about my pregnancy with Mia. (If I think of anything else after I post, I'll be sure to update this post!)

I am a very lucky lady and have easy pregnancies compared to many people. Like I mentioned above, I was very tired, especially during the first trimester with Mia. Fortunately, I didn't have any morning sickness. Sure there were days were I felt off, but it wasn't much to complain about. The biggest thing for me during this pregnancy was that Mia sat SO much lower than Emma did which caused me a fair amount of discomfort and pain during the 3-5 month range. I also had a lot of back pain especially towards the end of the pregnancy. Although I had some issues sleeping when I was pregnant with Emma, I spent a lot more time awake during the night, not quite insomnia but close, with Mia. It was hard for me to catch up on sleep and rest during this pregnancy, although Kurt tried to entertain Emma whenever she would let him so that I could relax and lay down. All that complaining aside, I had a good pregnancy.


I failed the first glucose test and had to go for the long test which followed three painful days of a special diet that I had to stuff myself with complex carbs to ensure they were correctly being broken down. Luckily, I did not end up having gestational diabetes!

Kurt accompanied me to most of the appointments. He skipped a few because, I was in and out in 5 minutes for most of them. He was there for the 'important' ones. The initial ones confirming the pregnancy and the 20 week ultrasound where we found out that Mia was a girl. 

With Emma we knew that her name would be Emma right away. We had decided on a boy and girl name before we were even married. With Mia, it took a bit longer. Several of the names we liked previously, we decided we didn't like anymore due to recent pop culture. Kurt liked Mia the whole time; it took me a couple more days to decide I liked it. We decided that Katherine sounded pretty with it. I didn't mind if it was spelled with a C or a K; Kurt was partial to K. :)

All in all:

With Emma, I loved being pregnant and although I was ready to meet her, I didn't mind that she was 2 days late. With Mia, I would say that I liked being pregnant and that I was ready for her to come out at least 2 weeks before her due date!

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