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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mia's 2 Month Stats

Mia had her 2 month checkup today. She did great during the checkup and for her vaccinations.

She is 12 pounds 9.5 ounces (95th percentile) and 23 inches long (75th percentile). Her head circumference is 38.5 cm (50th percentile). Although foot size was not measured at the doctor, she must have big feet because they are outgrowing her 3 month rompers!

She received 3 vaccines, one in each leg and an oral one for rota virus. She sucked down the oral vaccine like it was candy -- likely it did have some sugar in it for kids to drink it. Her left leg is very sore, we can feel the muscle knotted up in it --poor baby! (I remember Emma having the same reaction.) She slept most of the afternoon, but we've had some rough patches this evening. She did have some happy time smiling and talking to Daddy during a diaper change though.

Other developments from the last week, on Wednesday, 23 May, her diaper rash that she had had for well over a month was finally healed!

Here she is before her appointment: 

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