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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Parent Teacher Conference

On 21 May, I had a parent teacher conference with Emma's primary teacher, Ms. Brianna. She started the meeting by saying, "Emma pretty much has been three for about 6 months." She gave me the Milestone Moments paper with check marks in the Learned category for all the criteria/indicators. The comments included:
-Emma is a very compassionate child. She loves to help her friends and if they are feeling down she likes to figure out the problem and solve it. (This makes my heart sing!)
-When Emma is working on something she concentrates and is very persistent with making sure a puzzle piece fits or a button is fastened, etc.
-Emma has learned more through language by conversation. I noticed her parents ask her questions instead of give her demands. that gives her room fro response and word expansion.

Some other things we talked about:
-Emma likes to climb and jump. Yep, keen observations skills there. :) Brianna said that Emma keeps up with or sometimes leads the boys!
-Emma has a very developed imagination for her age. Apparently, many kids don't develop imagination for a little while longer and with all the technology, some kids' imagination is even more stunted.
-Emma is a helper. Brianna said that she is amazed that Emma can zip up her own coat and is working on buttoning. Emma actually helps the other kids get dressed and undressed to go outside/come inside!
-Emma loves books, she will sit for 30 minutes and listen to story time.
-Emma has a rivalry with a boy, Payton, they always want to be the first to answer questions.
-Emma loves balancing and twirling around in a pirouette.
-Emma can string together many many large beads. The first time they were shown this, Emma did about 15 in one sitting.

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